Castle Garden Glamour by Amy E. Fraser Apparently I have lost my mind. I was planning to take a break from editing and instead, do something fun like work on a new painting series, probably the Hauz Katz. However, the past week was chopped up with various errands and events making it impossible to have time enough to get any serious work done, so I thought; I’ll just get started with a new project on March 1. Well, in the interim between happenings, I decided to edit a few Hare Terra paintings in an attempt to leave off on break with something light and pretty to display after the stark controversy of The Feminist Ink series. The week started off on a positive note. I finally wrote the general description text for The Legend of Hare Terra series to accompany the images. Here is the example describing the painting above: “Castle Garden Glamour” is part of The Legend of Hare Terra Collection, an origina...
House In The Meadow by Amy E. Fraser Once upon a time, not so very long ago, a young couple yearned for a clean and wholesome environment in which to raise their newborn son. The man and woman scraped together all of their savings and put a small down payment on a beautiful piece of land on the side of a mountain, deep in the New Hampshire forest. They went through many trials and tribulations but eventually they began to build their dream home. While still unfinished, the couple, anxious to begin their new life, moved from their noisy apartment in an ancient Round House on top of busy train tracks into the quiet new house in the middle of the forest. When they arrived, they imagined that the most difficult part was behind them and looked forward to the next step in their journey together. The house in the forest represented the dreams the couple shared for their future. However, the beginning times were very hard. ...