Photo of Amy E. Fraser Today’s heartwarming and inspirational art talk is entitled Embrace the Suck. I was originally going to call it “It’s all on You: The Solitary Existence of the Art Entrepreneur” but it didn’t sound nearly as catchy or as motivational (lol). As I periodically grumble, stumble and complain about starting my art career over again at 46, my husband asks: what’s the point? We are financially stable; I really could be doing something much more entertaining with my time, right? This morning, while slogging through morning chores, feeling overwhelmed by this daunting task of starting over so late in life, I begin replaying my husband’s question in my head. In the midst of this unhelpful mulling, my diabetic cat’s insulin alarm went off. The song “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor, chosen for its tongue and cheek cat reference, was playing longer than usual. For some reason I actually listened to the words....
Fine Artist. Photographer. Baker. Wife. Mother. Amy E. Fraser Art is now available for purchase as Fine Art Prints and Merchandise.