Discover 55 Amy E. Fraser paintings NOT featured on the Official AEFraser website! What are these mystifying and possibly forbidden images you ask? Well... let me tell you. They are paintings inspired by the world’s most powerful and mysterious subject of all, Women. If you weren’t scared off by that cheesy promo and still want to see these “secret paintings” visit Womankind by Amy E. Fraser on Pinterest . Need a sneak preview before entering the dark cave of Femininity? Here is a selection from my Womankind Gallery: Expectations by Amy E. Fraser Budding Femininity by Amy E. Fraser Veneration by Amy E. Fraser Awakening by Amy E. Fraser Silent Subjugation by Amy E. Fraser Social Stairway by Amy E. Fraser Mother's Council by Amy E. Fraser Enlightenment by Amy E. Fraser Inside Out by Amy E. Fraser Thanks so much for playing along! Enjoy!
Fine Artist. Photographer. Baker. Wife. Mother. Amy E. Fraser Art is now available for purchase as Fine Art Prints and Merchandise.