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The Hot Zone

We just finished watching National Geographic's miniseries "The Hot Zone". It was really well done. I read the book when it came out and it certainly did a number on my already obsessive germ phobia. However, that said, every time they showed a close up of the Ebola Virus I ooohhhed and ahhhed! I can't help myself! I am completely fascinated by microscopic images and a huge fan Ernst Hackel's "Art Forms In Nature". To celebrate my passion for microorganisms I created Botanical Bioforms, a series of detailed pen and ink drawings illustrating imaginary organisms. Here are a few examples:
Botanical Bioform 2 By Amy E. Fraser
Botanical Bioform 6 by Amy E. Fraser
Botanical Bioform 10 by Amy E. Fraser

The Botanical Bioforms are imaginative microscopic life forms. Inspired by Ernst Haeckle and conceived from the brain of a crazy science loving doodler. The Botanical Bioforms will bring new life and personality to your Mad Scientist Laboratory! Imagine this as a curtain in your decontamination shower! Entertaining throw pillows for the Lab couch! A stylish tote to transport your very own scientific specimens! Hand drawn in pen and ink by Amy E. Fraser All images copyright Amy E. Fraser. All rights reserved.


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