Just for fun I thought I'd
share some early work, created when I was 15 years old (AEF Circa 1988):
English Garden Stroll by Amy E. Fraser (1988 Age 15) |
Lady by the Lake by Amy E. Fraser (1988 Age 15) |
Moonlit View by Amy E. Fraser (1988 Age 15) |
Oceanside Thoughts by Amy E. Fraser (1988 Age 15) |
Paradise Window by Amy E. Fraser (1988 Age 15) |
Pink Cliff Bay by Amy E. Fraser (1988 Age 15) |
These are obviously So Amazing!
Lol! But in all seriousness, I do see the beginning of the Artist Brand and possibly
the root of an Artist Style. There are even themes in play here of flora, fauna
and femininity that will repeat off and on throughout my works for the next 30
years, and in all likelihood, continue beyond. And What? Look in the bottom right hand corner,
there is the first emergence of the AEF icon!
So crazy to see these paintings
again. My step father recently cleaned out his storage and brought these back
to me. I had completely forgotten about the paintings, even though they had been part of
my childhood bedroom/art studio décor for years. What a bizarre sensation it is
to review my own past works. It
is difficult not to view these paintings from the perspective of a mother whose
son is currently a sophomore in high school, same as I was when these were
painted. Kind of mind blowing!
Reminiscing aside, I am still thinking
about how to structure The Legend of Hare Terra website, and now leaning
toward setting the work deadline to begin in the New Year. One, I work better
with self imposed deadlines and two, I have a thing about New Year, New
Projects. Also I still have a ton of art to edit for other collections on AEFraser.com.
Obviously I've been procrastinating. Editing is terribly boring... which may
explain the recent uptick in my blog activity.
That, and perhaps I'll share that I have been intensely reviewing art marketing research over the past few months, investigating the marketing
success and failure of my peers. From their accumulative experiences I have confirmed that posting
daily on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook is extremely time consuming and NOT leading to direct
sales. This goes back to the one consistent, the Patron is buying You the Artist, not just the Art. Slamming randos over the head with quick social media blips is not going to invite anyone to get to know you. What is? The
best option for future customers to get to know you online, is a blog. I did not appreciate the full impact my former Exalted Beauty blog had until I ignored it and eventually deleted it.
So here I am, starting blog-fresh. Instead of sweating it out in the social media trenches, I will invest my "Marketing" time here, happily rambling away at my own pace. I've never been into art for the business aspect, and at this point in my life I have no real need for the hustle. If sharing somewhat indiscriminate art discussions and the casual release of random facts, while pondering
over Artist Brand, Artist Biographies and the occasional sharing of Too Much Information is what you are interested in, then I'm your gal! I'm thrilled to have you here with me to participate in this journey! Thank you for joining me. You know what they say, "Sharing is Caring!"