Goats are awesome. I’ve loved goats
since I was a kid, and now seemed like as good a time as any for a gratuitous
cleavage shot. My husband took this photo, apparently I live up to his nickname "June Cleavage". Anyway... the GOAT I’m actually referring to is a common phrase at our house, usually spoken with god like reverence about Tom Brady. I don’t do sports so I had
to ask what GOAT meant. Greatest Of All Time. I think everyone has the potential for GOATness.
When I first went to Dartmouth one of my studio art professors asked who was my
favorite artist? I said, I am. He stood aghast, jaw slamming the floor, unable to
recover from my arrogant response. What I actually meant to say was, that while I love
so many amazing artists, I refuse to emulate any one artist in particular. Therefore, No Favorites. Choosing a
little of this and that from the greats and then combing that knowledge into your own art
is the basis of creating your own vision. Discovering what appeals to you is
discovering who you are. Your preferences form your personality and eventually your Artist Identity. Knowing who you are is the most important aspect of developing an Artist Style or Artist Brand. Be your own favorite artist and love what you make. Do it for you!
Because if you don’t love you, no one else will. Find your inner voice and be
the Greatest Of All Time!
To learn more about Amy go to Aefraser.com
To learn more about Amy go to Aefraser.com