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Chapter 4 Breasts

Dissecting The Western Woman Artist; An Artist's Dialogue by Amy E. Fraser

Chapter 4 Breasts

  Egg Argosy by Amy E Fraser

Beauty, Power And Desire

     External examination reveals yet another highly exaggerated physical feature on Amy E. Fraser's figure; the breasts appear to be unusually large and full in relation to the subject's thin, athletic build. In line with the investigative report regarding the muscle structure, this investigator believes that the disproportionately large breasts may be more than aesthetic choice. Investigation into the concepts relating to the breasts helps to identify the cause of Amy E. Fraser's art.

 Physiological and Psychological Aspects

     The breast is either of the two mammae occurring on the chest of human beings and other primates, especially notable on the female after pubertal development. They are the most pronounced and variable aspect of female anatomy. Although the breasts' primary function is reproductive, to nourish the offspring with milk, it is their prominence and vulnerability that make them the chief badge of gender. The breasts command attention, independent of a woman's intention to command it. In Western culture, to 'breast' something means to meet or oppose boldly, one must contend with or advance against it. Breasts lead the way, they are bold and obvious and there is no place for them to hide. The subject's breasts are the location of culturally defined beauty, female power, masculine desire, as well as gender and sexual identification.

The Significance Of Breasts

     Unlike the contained secrecy and forbidden aspects of the vagina, breasts are public and have an existence outside of the body. At times, if they are not properly supported, breasts seem to be possessed by a momentum of their own, bobbing, bouncing, shifting, teasing, tantalizing, swinging and swaying. This sensuous movement has the power to captivate, thrill and even immobilize interested viewers. It is this very magic that makes breasts both a dangerous and powerful female entity.

     For many, breasts symbolically represent the ancient and magical powers of fertility and feminine sexuality. In ancient times, man was amazed by woman's procreative and nourishing abilities. Sculptures from the time exaggerated and celebrated these powerful aspects of femininity. The artifacts illustrate the significance and fascination that female breasts have provided humanity since the beginning of time. Fertility figurines were not considered demeaning or degrading; they were made to show respect for woman and her precious power to continue the existence of man.

     Attraction to the female breasts is indescribable. Our desire for and connection to this aspect of femininity is beyond conscious comprehension. Breasts provide a fascination and attraction simply by their existence. They are magical and powerful. We like how they look and feel, and we enjoy the sensations they provide. The breasts are tactile, life affirming and desirable.

Ignorance, Shame, Abuse and Embarrassment

     Today in Western culture, breasts are considered to be one of the main elements of feminine beauty. However, somewhere along the path to current civilization, the breasts stopped receiving the respect they once earned. Current misconceptions include that, the larger a woman's breasts, the more 'feminine' she appears. She is often treated with less credibility and seen as having less intellectual power in a male dominated society.

     Women's breasts have been ogled, pointed at, laughed at, drooled over, worshiped and disgraced. They are pulled, prodded, stuffed, pierced and mutilated to satisfy the whims and trends of Western society. Breasts have been conceived of as decorative sex objects to be abused, objectified and manipulated. Breasts have also been overly glorified, deified, exalted and praised for legitimate reasons. For centuries, Western womens' breasts have been objects of unlimited attention, degradation and humiliation. They have also been a source of pleasure and entertainment. For many women, this confusion has made their breasts a source of competition, insecurity and shame.

     When a young woman's breasts begin to show, she discovers that their development sparks public regard. It is common for parents and relatives to shamelessly comment and mark their arrival as a landmark event. Parents, in their effort to protect their daughters from unwanted attention, often end up objectifying the breasts further. Schoolmates, teachers and even strangers may take notice of the new arrivals. A woman begins to fear her breasts belong to everyone but herself, but, most especially to men. Later in her life, she may discover that her breasts have become the claimed property of her husband or lover, jealously guarded from the penetrating stares of the competition.

     It is often assumed that a woman with large breasts is flaunting her sexuality and inviting attention. Some assume a woman with large breasts is more sexually active and unintelligent. Conversely, women with small or 'flat' chests are assumed to be more intelligent, prudish and non-sexual. However, size does not indicate the level of erotic pleasure a woman can receive from her breasts or her ability to nurse a child. The pleasurable sensation resides in the erectile tissue of the nipples, not in the bulk of the breast.

 Redefining Western Femininity

     If femininity were based on the female breasts in the same way that masculinity is based on the erect penis, then women would be conceived of as soft, curvaceous and nurturing, but also be defined as forthright, aggressive, sexual and bold. 21st century women are better suited to this revised version of femininity and should use it to 'breast' against past societal misconceptions.

     Women should celebrate all aspects of their female physical nature, including the breasts. Women can work together to change culture's perspective on the female breast and help both sexes to view them as objects of both beauty and power. I believe the breasts are a very important aspect of feminine beauty because they represent both our sexuality and our maternal capabilities. As aspects of our feminine sexuality, they stand as identifiers of our multi-dimensional sexual nature. They are one of the many layers to feminine erotic pleasure. Celebrating the breasts is a way of celebrating female sexuality and expressing it from a woman's perspective. The breasts are also signifiers of maternal power. To be enveloped in the matriarchal bosom is to feel safe and secure. Babies, pets and loved ones all instinctively gravitate to this part of the female body seeking comfort, feminine warmth and release from emotional pain. 

Breasts In Relation To My Own Art

     The large full breasts on my figures is often a point of controversy. Many feel that representations and idealizations of large breasts perpetuates misogynistic male fantasy as well as unrealistic ideals for the average woman. Some feel that such images play upon womens' insecurities and encourages them to mutilate their bodies with dangerous cosmetic surgeries in an attempt to conform to these ideals. Also, many critic's argue against any 'beautified' female representations because they reduce womens bodies to the status of purely sexual objects. This is obviously not the intention of my art.

     Some believe the large breasted women I create are the subconscious result of my years spent waitressing in a topless club. This is the same type of woman I have created since I was first able to draw a figure from my imagination, so I know this is not the case. I am not sure where I acquired this influence. My mother had an average chest size, however, I was constantly exposed to her nudity. Her breasts in comparison to my own adolescent body must have seemed extreme and may have distorted my perception. In addition, my grandmothers on both sides had ample bosoms and maybe it was their power, influence and matriarchal control over the family that I attribute to my female figures. My large breasted figures may be a product of my culturalization or many other factors, but the fact remains that this body type has been in my visual vocabulary since I was first able to express it.

     Intelligence, in combination with attractive female attributes, such as large breasts, continues to threaten those in power even as we enter the 21st century. That is why I choose to exaggerate the breast size of my figures. I am expressing their personal as well as political significance. In addition, from the artist's perspective, the breasts are points of visual interest and desire, much like the hands, eyes or feet. The intention of the images I create is to destroy the common misconceptions people have about large breasted women and to encourage them to reconsider other stereotypes they may have. The women in my work are about sexuality, but, they are also about female strength and intelligence.

     My works express our matriarchal lineage and fresh perspectives on being a woman in the 21st century. My women are not passive victims of consumption, degradation or humiliation. The works draw upon and revitalize humanities first notions of breasts as symbols for fertility, magic, procreation and nourishment.

     Understandably, those who argue against representations of nudity and the female breasts, do so out of fears of inequality and objectification. However, I believe women can reclaim the rights to their breasts as objects of power, sexuality and identity. Women cannot be forced to feel shame over their breasts. Women can have pride in their physical appearance and feminine sexuality. 21st century women should be able to be as feminine as they desire, without having their status or power removed for doing so.

      For more Art and Information on Amy E. Fraser go to All images and text from "Dissecting The Western Woman Artist: An Artist's Dialogue" copyright Amy E. Fraser. All rights reserved. Amy E. Fraser's Master's Thesis. Original Publication by Dartmouth College 2000.

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