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Part 1 The Autopsy

Dissecting The Western Woman Artist; An Artist's Dialogue by Amy E. Fraser

Part 1 The Autopsy

 Enlightenment by Amy E Fraser

      The subject arrived at our office May 15, 2000 under mysterious circumstances. She was delivered by an unknown party, without clothing, money, jewelry or identification. Fingerprinting failed to reveal the individual's identity. However, her distinctive physical appearance suggests she is the artistic creation of Amy E. Fraser. Autopsy was requested for the purpose of investigating and determining the cause, manner and circumstances of Amy E. Fraser's art.This purpose has been accomplished through inquiry into the circumstances of the art: background of the individual, medical history, etc., as performed by the investigator. The cause of the art has been determined by autopsy and manner of art has been determined by a combination of autopsy and investigative findings.The order in which the autopsy was performed is based on a variety of considerations. Since the cause of this artist's work was not immediately apparent, an autopsy was necessary. The Virchow method of removing the organs individually has been used for a more thorough examination. The following is a report of the investigator's findings.

The External Examination

      External examination begins with an overall visualization of the outside of the body. Important information is able to be obtained from this initial examination. The subject's eyes, ears, nose and mouth appear to be normal. With no obvious exterior damage to these areas, there is no need for further inquiry at this time. The subject's hair, although unusually long considering current fashion trends, appears undamaged and unrelated to the cause of the art. The subject's hands and feet are disproportionately large and powerful in relation to the figure's size. Although this discovery is significant, further inquiry will be postponed at this time. There is no immediate evidence suggesting that the hands or feet are the probable cause of Amy E. Fraser's art.

      For more Art and Information on Amy E. Fraser go to All images and text from "Dissecting The Western Woman Artist: An Artist's Dialogue" copyright Amy E. Fraser. All rights reserved. Amy E. Fraser's Master's Thesis. Original Publication by Dartmouth College 2000.

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